Rambo 2008 = Co written and Directed by Sylvester "Sly" Stallone himself, brings a fourth and final chapter to the Rambo series. This movies is a must see film for die hard fans and to those who love to see Loads of blood, head and body decapitations, 50 cal brain removals, rapes, explosions, etc.
When I first saw the uncut previews on You Tube, I thought this movie was a joke. When I saw the movie first hand, I was totally amazed. The website Guardian claims this movie had a total of 236 killings, all I know it was a lot.
While situated in Thailand, Rambo is approached by a group of Christian human rights missionaries and asked to help them in aiding in the poor citizens of Burma. After the group is captured and the missionaries become prisoners of war, Rambo decides to join a assemble crew of selected mercenaries up the Salween River to a Burmese village where the missionaries was held hostage. After that John Rambo Light switch turns on and beast is released
Actress Julie Benz add,"When you read the script you forget you really have to do all of that stuff," she said laughing. "But I was just so excited to be the girl in a Rambo movie I guess I forgot about it."