One Attractive Fat GirlHey Oluv! About 3 year ago I met this attractive fat girl at a local night spot in sunny desert land Arizona. It all started out when I was helping my buddy Joel move from New Jersey to Arizona where he recently live to date, to attend ASU for
Exploratory Social & Behavioral Sciences . Joel, Me, and my co worker Kovan packed our bags and jumped on I 276 west toward Pennsylvania Turnpike and drove 34 hours all the way to Joel's new home.
Once we got there and set our watches and all, we decided to strength out an go purchase a couple of beers at this local night spot I mentioned earlier. The bar was packed full of people tapping and bopping thier heads to the tunes from a colorful classic looking juke box which played one of Eric Clapton songs saying, "I get off on 57 Chevy's , I get off on screaming guitar". (Can't think of the name of the song) We all set down at the bar and ordered three rounds of beer, while talking about college and where we should be doing conductively in 4 years from then.
As we talked and joked around just doing what fellas do, Kovan repeatedly tapped me on my shoulder and said " Hey, Look! Your going to be with that fat girl sitting over there in the next 4 years"! That is when I saw the most attractive fat girl I ever seen in my life.
To be continue.....