I’ve learned in the past month, that in order to improve my Blog site (Oluv’s Outré); I would have to gain access to at least 1000 readers a day. So I decided to read what others are blogging about just to get a glance on what direction I need to go to magnetize my viewers to my blog.
As you can see I am still not there yet but I can see the fire flaming up to status, so I can say it’s working well so far. Further, more if it wasn’t working you would not be reading this post right now; I would still be at the bottom of the barrel like the worm in a tequila bottle.
I have gone to many sites and these few sites caught my attention Saturday Dec.15 2007. The first site I had visited was a webblog site that has created to help other bloggers who is interested in online Business blogging called, “Entrepreneur’s Journey” by Yaro Starak.
After entering Yaro’s site, He also had links and useful tips on how to gain more traffic then you could imagine and to add his on blog traffic school which is how I gained access to blogsquad founder, Patsi Krakoff who has written about how she double her traffic on her blog site named “Ezine”.
She concluded that her traffic increased because she did the following things:
Wrote to her blog everyday - This one makes so much sense but it’s something most bloggers don’t do. I tend to go through spurts of motivation where I write regularly and well, it’s pretty obvious, the more good stuff you put out there, the more good stuff you get back in terms of blog traffic. Patsi’s blogging experience is testament to this concept.
She wrote a provocative title - Have I mentioned how important titles are in blog posts? If I haven’t yet here in this blog I really should have, it’s littered throughout every blog traffic teaching resource I have ever written, spoken about and read or listened to from other successful bloggers. Your blog article titles are THE most important element.
She finishes with a recommendation to keep at it for the long term - Again some reasonably obvious advice you might hear over and over again - but do you implement it over and over again? Patsi’s been blogging for over two years now at her ezine coaching blog and she says it takes time to earn rewards.
Some Advice to all the bloggers that view my site, Don’t give up! Stick to your topics, stay focus and don’t stop blogging. Thanks goes to Yaro Starak
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