Visit: The black out @ myspace.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Blackout - New Album
Visit: The black out @ myspace.
Rodney King Hit by Shot Gun Fire
Rodney King, who acquired national notification when his brutally beating in 1991 by Los Angeles police was caught on videotape, was shot and wounded on a San Bernardino street Wednesday night on Nov. 28 2007, according to Press.
King, 42, biked home and called Rialto police to report the incident, the paper reported. King was struck in the face and arm by shotgun fire, according to Sgt. Don Lewis, who added that King appeared intoxicated when police arrived at his home.
The shooting may have involved a domestic dispute not really known by, San Bernardino Police Lt. Scott Paterson who told the San Bernardino County Sun.
King was taken to a local hospital, but his injuries do not appear to be life threatening, Lewis said. King was caught speeding by the LAPD on March 3, 1991. His beating, broadcast around the world after being filmed by a bystander, raised questions about racially motivated police brutality.
The acquittal of three of the four police officers involved in the case triggered a massive four-day riot in Los Angeles in 1992, which resulted in 55 deaths and $1 billion in damages. A Police beating in 91, followed by a SUV accident in 2003. Rodney King with bad luck, maybe it will run out and his good luck will kick in.
The Teddy Bear Lady Gets 15 Days in prison
Also Read.....
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Celebrity Silky Hair is for YOU!
Let's name a some: It is a proven product by many celebrities (such as Beyonce Knowles, Mariah Carey, Devon Aoki, Heather Graham, Sarah Michelle Gellar and et al) and it is now available to everybody at
Magazine: Salon
HAIR 911"Rescue fried and damaged hair with heat-boosted therapy from ISH Ionic Rescue One Minute Treatment... resulting in smooth, soft, beautiful hair."
Magazine: InStyle
IONIC CONDITIONING "What it promises: silky shine for chemically treated hair. Says Nikki Goldberg, NYC colorist, ''A heat element melts treatment crystals into the hair shaft, repairing damage and sealing in moisture.' What it delivered: sleeker, smoother hair."
Getting his attention while being professional
Hello Oluv! I’m an attorney for a law firm in Chicago and I have a crush on one of my co-workers. He’s single from Arizona just joined our firm team 4 ½ months ago. We usually don’t run into each other too often but when He’s in my presents I just want to jump all over him especially when he wears his Armani suits and ties. I know I got to keep a business head when I am at work but how Do I approach him with out making this situation look in the terms of fraternizing.
Well it seem like you’re in need of this guy’s attention and in order to receive his acknowledgment for you, you will have to keep your self civil and conserved. Next time you run into him, greet him with a “good afternoon” or “how’s your morning going?” Doing just those greetings can help build up a relationship between you and him. Next week leave a memo or a note on his desk with the words, “Lunch on me”. (This is just what a man needs. Just like the Godfather movie, make him an offer he can’t refuse!) When on lunch you’re not on the clock so feel free to ask him questions about him out of work. Doing this you can learn to see if he’s the kind of man you’re looking to be with. Now the rest is history in the making so good luck!
Man wants to cash in $1 Million Bill
Augsta Ga-A 31 yr old Man walk into a bank and handed a bank teller a $1million Bill. Did he think he was going to really get this fake currency cashed ? Riiiiiiiiight ! Send him to the looney Room with a jacket with straps. The largest U.S. Gov. Bill ever created was $100,000 back in the 1930s (which we should bring the 100 grand bill back). What you think?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
IS Bin Laden after Europe Now?
The announcement by al-Qaida's as-Sahab media production wing was posted on an Islamic Web site that commonly airs militant videos. The statement did not say when the message would be released or whether it would be a video or audio tape. Read more....
Spice Girls At Victoria Secret Fashion Show 2007
Westin Rocco Ki Beach and Golf Resort
Discover a piece of heaven at The Westin Roco Ki Beach & Golf Resort. Cherished by its native peoples for more than 2,000 years, Rôco Ki is a place of natural wonders. Designed to respect the environment and honor the history of its first inhabitants, The Westin Rôco Ki Beach & Golf Resort enhances the majesty of the breathtaking landscape, and redefines the meaning of Caribbean beachfront luxury. Read more.....
Coming soon 2008
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Hitler gets banned from Xbox 360 live (Funny)
Hitler is a very evil man, so watch what happens when Bill Gates clip his Xbox 360 live account short.
Teacher lashed after naming a Teddy Bear
A British primary school teacher arrested in Sudan faces up to 40 lashes for blasphemy after letting her class of 7-year-olds name a teddy bear Muhammad.What if she named the Teddy Bear Jesus? It might of being worst but very unfair.
Gillian Gibbons, a 54-year-old mother of two from Liverpool, was arrested at her lodgings at Khartoum's Unity High School yesterday, accused of insulting the Prophet of Islam. You should have the right to name your teddy any name you want. It's just a stuff animal. Is this Politics or Crap? Read more on this story...
Chado Ralph Rucci 2008
Here are just Some of what Designers @ Chado Ralph Rucci got cooking up for this Spring.
Porn Star Mary Carey talks about celebrity Rehab.
There is a whole lot of money in show business. But where do have of the money go to?
Mary Carey and 9 other celebs will got through treatment for drugs and alcohol addiction with Dr. Drew Pinskey. This show will be premiere on VH1 Jan.10 2008.
To See Mary Carey site go to :
If your going to take stepping out your home to the next level then you might as well make your feet the lead to do so. Mauri Brings an exotic taste to exceptional quality. Mauri shoes come in all types of exotic leathers,such as Snake, crocodile, alligator, ostrich, etc. If well dress these shoes is required to sting the competition.
Price tag: $300.00
Business Credit Cards sign up
Small Business Credit Cards – Find the corporate or small business credit card that fits your needs. Choose from a wide variety of business credit cards that offer low interest rates or rewards. Compare and apply online today!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Beauty Queen (Ingrid Marie Rivera) Prank Nightmare
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Woman Dies in Boston after getting togue piercing
What is Meningitis?
Meningitis is a common name for infections that take place in the membranes (called meninges) surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can be caused by viruses and by bacteria. One of the most serious forms of meningitis is caused by bacteria known as meningococci.
What is Viral Meningitis?
Viral Meningitis Another form of meningitis is caused by a virus. Viral meningitis is serious, but usually not life-threatening. Most patients with viral meningitis get better on their own in 7 to 10 days.
To learn more about Meningitis or need help got to M.F.A (Meningitis of America)
WGA stages big Hollywood solidarity march
It wasn't quite "Day of the Locust," but union scribes swarmed Hollywood on Tuesday in a solidarity march ending near Grauman's Chinese Theatre..... Click here for full story.
The power of partnership Banking
When you need guidance with your finiaces or direction with investments, this leaves me with only one way I know to go, and thats The Banker's Bank.
At Banker's Bank thier performance is directly related to the caliber of thier employees and the strength of the relationships maintaining to customers seeking solutions.
For comprehensive bankcards, lending, investments, consulting and payment services, insurance programs and technology outsourcing solutions.
From the thought of Oluv's mind, The Banker's Bank is the only partner you need for superior correspondent banking services.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Kelly Rowland tickets 75 CENTS
First time Armani works with Actress Julia Roberts
Armani has worked with Actress Julia Roberts on a New line of Bracelets to sell for World Aids Day. We just never knew what was behind the mind of Julia until this warming moments of her skilled craftmanship to support one of the worlds biggest crisis of the world which I think everyone should purchase this Bracelet to fight this tragic cause.
Armani one of the worlds largest fashion names today, has always supported the global (RED) products sending funds to help fight the
Aids dilima since the canpaign started in 2006.
The leather bracelet in red or brown has a "Tree of Life" design and inside carries the initials J.R, Armani said. The bracelets—$175 for women’s and $195 for men’s—will be available in stores Feb. 1 2008.
Visit Planet Gossip to see Bracelet----> Planet gossip
The French Riviera
The Town that surrounds Cote d’Azur are : Nice, St. Tropez and Cannes.
also visit JARDIN DU MONASTERE DE CIMIEZ in Nice. it is said to have the most oldest gardens in Cote d'Azur and unchanged since 1546.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Kidman is Scarred of Mr. Fawcett.
What should Ms. Kidman Do to this Guy (Jamie Fawcett)?
Maybe she can trickle her nose and do a little bewitched magical kick ass towards him!
Do not be scared Ms. Kidman, Oluv got your back!
Apointment in Samarra
The rape and subsequent murders in "Redacted" actually happened, and we are told that director Brian De Palma found out about them on the Internet, in blogs and YouTube postings and on American and Arab sites. Really this is all said to be true !
Redacted trailer
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Be careful that your marriage doesn't become a duel instead of a duet.

Sleival advised that she go home and act as if she really loved her husband. "Tell him how much he means to you," he said. "Praise him for every decent trait. Go out of your way to be as kind. considerate, and generous as possible. spare no efforts to please him, to enjoy him. Make him believe you love him...then drop the bomb...That will really hurt him."
The woman exclaimed, "Beautiful!" And she did as he had suggested...with enthusiam, acting "as if" she loved him. Two months later she returned to Sleival, who asked, "Are you ready now to go through with the divorce?" "divorce!" she said. "Never!" I discovered that I really do love him!"
Actions can change feelings. Motion can result in emotion. Love is established not so much by fervent promise as by often-repeated deeds.
Common and Lincoln working with New Navigator 2008 series
Common, The lyrical black pro-rific flow style genius has teamed up with Lincoln to appear on television, radio and print campaigns to promote the 2008 series Navigator.
It's said that the first advertisement will premiere on the television on Nov. 25, 2007, on NBC's Sunday Night Football.
Lincoln will also be supporting Common’s nonprofit organization The Common Ground Foundation.
“I am very enthused and honored to connect with Lincoln,” Common said in a press release. “I believe that this union will be creative, fresh and classic. Most importantly, it’s a way for Lincoln and me to give back to the community and people in need.”
Common also plays The brother of Frank Lucas in "American Gangster".
No bikes allowed But with a trikke your all welcome
To get to your local barber a couple of miles away, how would you get there? I can take the car but it's not worth adding miles, and spending money on these high gas prices. You can use your bike? Yeah but who want to be pedaling for miles up hill and down hill catch weak leg syndrome. how about your skate board? "Please", who do you think I am? What about the trikke? Now your talking!
What is a Trikke?
Trikke (pronounced trike)Trikke three-wheeled cambering vehicles are human powered machines that utilize Trikke Tech’s patented 3CV technology to allow a rider to propel a chainless, pedal-less device forward without ever touching foot to ground. This elegantly simple construct provides a stable 3-point platform that leans into the turn with the rider while all three wheels remain in contact with the ground. A rider may reach speeds of up to 18 mph on flat ground, ride 50 miles in one day, and climb the steepest of hills (with practice!).Trikke’s design allows the rider to naturally engage his entire body throughout the ride. Legs are active for balancing and shock-absorption and arms punch for power-thrusts and hang on for stability and control. The Trikke 3-wheeler allows you, the rider, to feel the miracle of your own body and mind working in graceful unison. The bi-products of the ride are joy, health, fitness and a renewed appreciation for yourself and your life.
Visit Trikke USA.
Strawberries daiquiris can make you healthier
The next time you to chow down on some delicious strawberries, consider consuming them in a daiquiri. It's much more healthier that way, says a joint study by the U.S Department of Agriculture and researchers in Thailand. Believe me I was shocked myself to find this out.
When strawberries was treated with alcohol, more of these disease-fighting antioxants were made available. Antioxidants known as polyphenols and anthcyanins can help prevent everything from cancer to neurodegenerative disorders.
Studies also say if you don't like strawberries, blackberries will work good as well. You can read a little more about strawberry daiquiris on this Site "The art of drink" or my non alcohol beverage " Oluv's Strawberry strizzle smoothe" .
This is measure up to 4 servings
2 oz strawberry schnapps
4 oz light rum
4 oz lime juice
4 tsp powdered sugar
4 oz strawberries
Add ingredients with a bit of ice in a blender. Blend and then strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish w/ strawberry. you can also add whipped cream.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Shoot em up You Tube Killer
Oluv usually don't blog about these types of issues but I thought this one needed to be addressed.
Check out this sadly young kid who shows off a 22 caliber hand gun over the YouTube network.
We got to help out these wrongly pressured teens.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
0$ for Radio Head Album
The Album "IN RAINBOWS" is the most downloaded free album that so far ever hit the net.
visit In
Saturday, November 3, 2007
12 Depression Busters
To all that read my exciting blogs, I am very sorry it took me so long to bring you the best news this past week. I was so tied up, working very hard this. So I got some useful info on depressions you might want to check out.
I thought this was interesting to read
"Beyond Blue" blogger Therese Borchard's toolbox of ways to overcome everyday emotional struggles and find peace.